Tuesday, 11 December 2007

Pi Sin

OK, guys, I was driving home from school the other day, and as I scan the area around the road, BAM, I see this. One of my friends was with me, and as I start laughing and enjoying the fact that the sign is 3.14 acres, my friend shot me one of those, "You haven't snapped, have you?" looks, and asks me what the devil I was laughing at. Also, If you get a good look at the picture, I love the way it labels one of the roads as "DIRT ROAD." Well, gtg, enjoy the sign.

[3 days 14 hours 35 minutes]


Kate said...

It almost seems like a fake sign...pi acres for sale. Too funny! I love it.

Paul said...

I want 2.71 acres.

Kate said...

Let's not get into that debate.

Paul said...


Kate said...

Love the pi and e date. That's hilarious.