Friday, 7 December 2007

Not The Best Princess

Aloha all!

Well guys, it’s finally over...kinda. I HAVE indeed taken my last SAT. Last Saturday was the big day, and come this Saturday, the ACT will also be a thing of the past. If my assumptions are right, MIT’s big day, the Acceptance Day is within a WEEK!!! According to the CollegeBoard, it is within a week, but the big guys and gals haven’t said anything official yet. College apps are also going...decent. Though it’s mainly over, I still have three [maybe four] more to do, but they aren’t fully due until January or February for some. What has caused my pain lately, scholarships. I mean some of them are lengthier than college apps. But, oh well, it’ll all be over soon.

As I sat here thinking about what to blog about, since nothing’s really going on, except for the obvious lol, so I’ve decided to explain the title of the post.

lol I’m talking about the recent Powderpuff Football Game at our school. To those who don’t know what this is, or have this at their school, a Powderpuff Football game is a football game where the Senior and Junior girls battle it out on the football field, the Senior and Junior guys are dolled up, taught cheers, and made cheerleaders, the student council makes money, and the Senior guys compete for “Powderpuff Queen,” which is voted on by the student body [K5 – 12th]. All in all, it’s fun, the girls get to finally release the stress that they’ve built up against the Juniors, the Senior guys get to attack the Junior guys [even though we look crazy], and the little ones will constantly get laughs. Since we have a small Senior class, we have very few guys, about seven. Three of these guys took the easy route and grabbed the “coach” spots, leaving the other four of us as cheerleaders. One of the cheerleaders didn’t show, and the people bringing the stuff only brought one wig. Guess who was chosen to wear it...

There is no way to explain this picture >.< [I wasn't happy]

The cheerleaders...

Me cheering...

Yup, me. But I took my lot with grace and donned the wig, make-up, and balloons, and cheered my wig off. In the end, I won "Powderpuff Princess" [I hate that title] and got most likely a year's worth of jokes to live down. But oh well, the little ones laughed their heads off, Seniors won 14-0 and exams are approaching, so I'm good. For those of ya'll who know me on Facebook, ya'll can probably navigate your way around to finding the other pics >.<

Later all, and happy fourth day of Chanukkah!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Your version of powderpuff is MUCH cooler than ours. Our games take place at Homecoming Pandemonium (school festivity fest the Wednesday before Homecoming) and all the grades play. Freshmen and sophomores ALWAYS lose their respective games, and then the juniors and seniors battle it out. Calls are made in the senior team's favor, and they ALWAYS win. Well, until this year, my senior year, when the juniors won. There were some really, really PO'ed senior girls.

And we have no guy cheerleaders. That would be so funny! Nice wig, and, um, er, cleavage, there DPS. Very realistic looking. Congratulations on your title, by the way!