Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Bored On A Missions Trip

So I'm writing right now from a couch surrounded by people watching some army movie, tired out of my mind. I'm a bit bored because I could be watching Monty Python. I'm tired because we've been working on a house in a remote location near Charleston, SC. The essentials of our job is paint a hot tin roof with a thick paint-like substance called Hydro-Stop, then laying a mesh over the hopefully still wet Hydro-Stop, and then repainting another layer of Hydro-Stop. It's rough, but I'm glad that we can do it. It's very hot. That's the only problem. Heat advisories, tin rooves, unstable scaffolding, huzzah! We've gotten the chance to meet the people who live there this time too [we couldn't meet the people on last year's trip].

I can't believe we're watching this instead of Monty Python. I'm bored. Sorry for the meaningless post but I haven't posted in a while and I figured I wouldn't "leave ya'll hanging" like that. Oh well I'll have a college related post soon, or one with actual content. In more unrelated news, I've got a new awesome item from my favourite electronics maker.

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