Saturday, 15 March 2008

So, What Happened?

Well, this morning, I was up. I only had three hours of sleep all day, and I went straight to the Methodist Men's Breakfast at the church where the lock-in was. I scarfed down a plate of eggs, sausage, and a biscuit, and listened to the speaker intently. Then I was reminded by the whole Key Club Golf Tournament at 12:00. So, I was faced with a decision: A. Go home, sit with parents, and prepare OR B. Go to the tournament, help out the local Kiwanis, and check when I got home at FOUR!!! I went with B, and had fun at the tourney [even though I was constantly having to keep myself from typing into my iPhone]. Well, I got home, tired and pollen-coated, and grabbed my laptop. My parents and I sat down on the couch, and I read what most people read today. "Dear Walt......I'm so sorry......unable to offer......I'm very sorry."

Sadly, there will be no CPW fun for me this year. No liquid nitrogen ice cream with sprinkles, no trying out for the varsity blogging team, no trying out for any Engineers sports team, no bouncy balls, no Simmons, no Random, no Great Dome, no Infinite Corridor, no IH[L]TFP, or to summarise, no MIT [or at least this year]. I now must choose between Ga. Tech, Hawai'i, Clemson, and N.C. State, and honestly I have no bloody clue what I'm going to do. I had prepared for this, and I feared it would happen, so I have somewhat of a plan, but mainly, I'm lost.

It's truly been a ride, and, as hinted at earlier, one that I plan to take again. I've discussed it with my family, and we've talked a bit about trying for transfer admissions[Aye I know the odds there too ^_^']. Though I'm going to try my hardest for transfer, I'm definitely going to make the best out of wherever I end up next year, whether it be studying next to Pierre De Coubertin's statue in Atlanta, laying on the beach in Hawai'i, rushing the field at Death Valley, or......doing whatever N.C. State students do. Plus, this may be a good thing if I can defeat the odds and get in on transfer. I mean, seriously, how many transfer students blog? I could be the first, and show that there are such things as transfers into MIT!

Oh well, we'll have to just wait and see right? I'm glad to see that some of the fellow pre-MIT bloggers got in [or at least waitlisted], and I wish you all godspeed at MIT, and to those of you who didn't get in, no worries. I guess it's like what I've been hearing a lot of lately. If it's really in us, we will make the difference in the world that we want to make, no matter where we go. If we were able to even consider MIT as a college choice, we have the ability to truly change the world. Let's not let this get to us much. Yes, it is hard to get over. It's rejection in any sense. Human nature doesn't take well to rejection, but we grow and we get over it. We grow, and we become stronger through our rejection. We remain resilient and refuse to give up our cause. But OH WELL...

So, I guess, status of the blog, hmmm, I'll keep it until I get a second rejection/first acceptance from MIT. *raises glass of Welch's Sparkling Red Grape Juice* To the future.

Until later...


FreeLance said...

i voted for Georgia Tech !
and thanks again !

Unknown said...

i vote GT too :) they're tied on the list that my mom has posted on the fridge with MIT.

thanks for the congratulations - i'll be sure to blog a million and one pictures so you know exactly what to expect when you transfer next year! :)

honestly, though - you, sh1fty, justin, isshak... you guys defined my idea of what the class of 2012 is going to be like, and i'm disappointed that you won't get to share in it. best of luck in everything that you do - i'll still blog-stalk you :)

Karen said...

oops, that was me.

Michael said...

Um, so GT doesn't guarantee housing for 4 years. They kick you out on your butt after a year. :-(

Paul said...

For what it's worth, I think you have the right attitude about this whole thing. You have some great options, and I wish you all the best with transfer admissions next year (maybe you can be the first transfer blogger!). I'm looking forward to keeping in touch with you - on the MIT blogs, on Facebook, on your and my personal blogs - and I know you'll do amazingly.

By the way, I didn't want to mention anyone by name, but you were one of the people I was referring to in this entry.

José P. said...

Avanti, figlio del mondo!

Kate said...

Why sparkling red grape juice?

And good luck come whatever happens.

Anonymous said...

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