Monday, 4 February 2008

*throws ninja needles at blogs*

So why did I just attack my blog? Well, I'm mad. Mad at CNN, mad at prejudiced idiots, and mad at Domo-kun! No, wait, I can't be mad at Domo-kun. It's just everything's crazy right now, and I'm about to go NSEIN [purposely misspelled].

Come 15 February, you will definitely see stuff here and in my political blog. Ye'll see awards, at least one candidate review [my personal favourite], and info from my trip to see Barack Obama. As for the blog here, ye can look forward to info about what is going on with me [real interesting huh?], a rant [actually coming, I've promised a lot in the past but this one's coming because it's coming {doesn't make sense, but wtf,r?}] and the honourable mentions to my Ourtube post [will include the most depressing video ever, the stupidest video ever, and well honourable mentions]. Oh well, enjoy the break. I won't lol. Jya' Ne


Kate said...

Someone doesn't sound happy...what's up?

FreeLance said...

I did not totally get your post...^^' but I hope you'll go back to blogging soon !